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Title IX

Title IX


Title IX 联邦民权法是否禁止教育项目中基于性别的性别歧视, including athletic programs, or activities that receive federal funding. 第九条规定不歧视性别, sexual harassment and sexual assault, and program equity, such as athletics.

TITLE IX - 20 U.S.C. § 1681 & C.F.R. Part 106 (1972): "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, 或在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育计划或活动中受到歧视."


红杉社区学院区致力于为所有学生和员工提供安全和公平的学习和工作环境, free from sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, 以及任何其他基于性别或基于性别的不当行为. 在地区财产或地区赞助的事件或活动中发生的任何事件都可以直接报告给第九条协调员.

皇冠365官方app已经指定了一名第九条协调员来监督和监督第九条的遵守情况. Your college Title IX Coordinator is available to explain and discuss: your right to file a complaint; the complaint process; how confidentiality is handled; available resources both on and off campus; and other related matters.

When someone alleges harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, or sex discrimination or sexual assault, 这是学院的道德和法律责任进行彻底的, timely, independent, and objective investigation.

Contact Information

Title IX Coordinator – Dr. Crystal Morse

Phone: 707-476-4146


Filing a Complaint/Reporting an Incident

All Reports will be taken seriously. Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, 和歧视报告可以使用下面的链接或联系第九条协调员.

Contact Information

  • Title IX Coordinator – Dr. Crystal Morse
  • Phone: 707-476-4146
  • Email:

When someone alleges harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, or sex discrimination or sexual assault, 这是学院的道德和法律责任进行彻底的, timely, independent, and objective investigation.

Sexual assault, 亲密伴侣暴力和跟踪是基于性别的歧视和违反国家法律的形式, Title IX, and the CR Administrative Code.



Or you can fill out a complaint form online at:

Learn about College of the Redwoods' Title IX Investigation Process. This process and the following policies (APs & 该学院遵循的bp)反映了最新的第九条规定,该规定于2020年生效.

做报告意味着亲自告诉权威人士发生了什么, by telephone, in writing or by email. At the time a report is made, 投诉人不必决定是否要求采取任何行动, 投诉人也不需要知道如何标注所发生的事情. Choosing to make a report, 并在报告完成后决定如何进行, can be a process that unfolds over time. 学院可以支持和帮助个人做出这些重要的决定, 并在法律允许的范围内尊重个人决定如何进行的自主权. In this process, 学院将平衡个人的利益与义务,为学院社区的所有成员提供一个安全和非歧视的环境.

Any individual who reports sexual harassment, sexual violence, 可以确保对跟踪或亲密伴侣暴力的所有报告进行调查,并以公平和公正的方式予以解决. A Complainant, 答辩人和所有涉及的个人都可以期望得到有尊严和尊重的对待. In every report under this policy, 学院将立即评估对投诉人或更广泛的校园社区造成伤害的任何风险,并采取必要措施解决这些风险. 这些步骤将包括临时措施,以确保个人和校园社区的安全.

我们鼓励投诉人和第三方证人举报性骚扰, sexual violence, 以及亲密伴侣暴力事件,以最大限度地提高学院迅速有效应对的能力.然而,学院不限制报告的时间框架. 如果被告不是红木社区的成员, 学院仍将通过采取措施结束骚扰,寻求履行其第九条义务, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects, 但其对被申请人采取纪律处分的能力可能受到限制.



Training Resources

  • 2020法规要求:发布培训材料- ATIXA
  • ATIXA – Title IX Coordinator Level One
  • ATIXA – Title IX Coordinator Level Two
  • ATIXA – Title IX Coordinator Level Three
  • ATIXA – Title IX Coordinator Level Four
  • ATIXA – Title IX Investigator Level One
  • ATIXA – Title IX Investigator Level Two
  • ATIXA – Title IX Investigator Level Three
  • ATIXA – Title IX Investigator Level Four
  • ATIXA – Title IX Hearing Advisor
  • ATIXA – Title IX Hearing Officer & Decision Maker
  • ATIXA – Investigation Report Writing
  • ATIXA – Compliance and Athletics

Helpful Resources

Crisis Support and Counseling
无论你是现在还是在经历过性侵犯或约会暴力多年后需要帮助, help is available 24 hours a day.   这里有一些资源,更多的资源在页面底部列出.

Public Safety
In an life threatening emergency dial 911.
对于校园紧急情况和公共安全紧急需要,请拨打707-476-4111.   列出你的位置和你的紧急情况,有人会尽快与你在一起.

College of the Redwoods Counseling Center
学生可以预约校内辅导员, providing individual short-term counseling.

North Coast Rape Crisis Team
一个社区机构,为各种形式的性暴力提供全天候服务,包括医疗和法律宣传, support groups, short-term counseling, and community education.
24/hr Crisis Line:
Del Norte: 707-465-2851
Eureka: 707-445-2881
Community Office:
Del Norte: 707-465-6961
Eureka: 707-443-2737

Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
该组织的使命是帮助人们摆脱家庭暴力和亲密伴侣暴力的恶性循环. All of their services are free of charge.
Contact Information:

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Additional Resources

California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Coalition providing leadership, vision and resources to rape crisis centers, 致力于结束性侵犯的个人和其他实体.

(916) 446-2520
1215 K Street, Suite 1850,
Sacramento, CA, 95814

U.S. 教育部,民权地区办公室

(415) 486-555
50 Beale Street, Suite 7200,
San Francisco, CA, 94105

Contact Information

Crystal Morse, Title IX Coordinator
(707) 476-4242

  2023 College of the Redwoods